Occlusal splint moulding blank for immediate direct adaptation to the patient.
• prebite Dott. Pelosi, 85 10 20, thickness 3.5 mm
• prebite Dott. Peolsi up, 85 10 16, thickness 7.0 mm
Medical Device Class 1
Pelosi: 20 pieces
Pelosi Up: 16 Pieces
In 5 minutes, the splint is ready to go. Soften moulding blank for 10-15 seconds in boiling water, shortly dip in cold water and adapt onto the lower jaw, have the patient bite and wait for approx. 2 minutes, take it out and cut the handle, finished.
For the fabrication of temporary semi-hard occlusal splints for immediate pain release and splint effectiveness testing.
Prebite Dott Pelosi